Kevin Gong

Thoughts and Permutations

about me

UC Berkeley senior studying computer science. But I think there is much more to me than a name and a major, so feel free to learn more by reading some of my posts.

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Climbing San Diego

- - posted in SanDiego, climbing,

About a year after first starting to climb, I’ve had a very limited exposure to climbing types outside of indoor gym bouldering. While Bridges Rock Gym has been an incredible place to learn to climb, it certainly has been limiting not only in the climbing type exposure, but also in the type of routes and grading. In Berkeley, I’ve climbed almost exclusively at Bridges, with a couple brief stints at Indian Rock in Berkeley and on campus.

Blogging Revisited

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Last summer, I created the posts that I had reposted/shared on this blog. Originally posted on Wordpress, these posts represented a small webset of thoughts that had come up over those months. Since then, I’ve decided to give blogging another try with this Jekyll/Octopress blog. But to be completely truthful, part of the excitement is using a static site generator in the blogging, adding a bit if a developer flair to the whole process as well.

Free Speech and Computing

- - posted in government, technology,

Computers and programs are the design of their creators. And when a program is seen to output content that is controversial, obscene, or maybe simply illegal, where does the First Amendment come into play? Does free speech pertain to the programs we write? (Interestingly, what if we somehow manage to create Artificial Intelligence that can automate it’s own thoughts? Whose speech is that..?) It seems fairly obvious at first glance that if John Smith creates a program that outputs some illicit content, then John Smith is at least mostly responsible for that.

How to Learn

- - posted in education, technology,

A fairly popular topic of late has been the incorporation of computer science into lower education in order to adapt young student’s learning for the ever-evolving technological world.